Nutrition Coaching

We want to help you eat well!

We are passionate about what we do and believe the fountain of life is directly tied to diet, lifestyle, and nutrition. We love nothing more than helping people reach their fitness goals, and just the same, we love helping people unlock their life with diet and nutrition.

We know eating well in the society we live in today is HARD, and we’re surrounded by conflicting information and overwhelming data about what’s “good” and what’s “bad”. It can be incredibly challenging to navigate that on your own and to make sense of it all. We can help!

The CrossFit definition of good nutrition is to “eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.” We believe that’s how humans were made to eat, focusing on whole, unprocessed, nutritious foods to fuel the body for our lifestyles.

In a world that constantly surrounds us with tempting processed foods containing so many chemically created ingredients, it can be difficult to know what to eat, and how much to eat, when to eat it, and why to eat it. And then, when you start to figure it out, it’s hard to stick with it and change your habits to support your new lifestyle. This is where we come in.

You come to the gym to work hard and get stronger, faster, and fitter, and you do that in 1 hour every day. What do you do with the other 23 hours of the day? How do you fuel yourself? What kinds of food (and drink) are you putting into your body? How are you recovering? How are you sleeping?

We offer 1 on 1 nutrition coaching to help you accomplish your goals. Whether you’re just looking for some macro targets (macronutrients = protein, carbs, fats) to help you lose weight or build muscle, or want more in-depth coaching to improve nutrition habits and overall wellness, we’ve got you covered.

Let us know how we can help YOU become the healthiest version of yourself!

Nutrition Coaching includes:

  • A personal Nutrition Coach - no templates or auto-responses

  • A personalized plan to help you meet your goals

  • Weekly Check-ins to measure progress

  • The tools you need to build and track your healthy habits

Our Backstory - Then

We haven’t always felt the way we do now when it comes to food and nutrition. We used to eat whatever, whenever. It wasn’t uncommon for late night trips to Taco Bell, a stop at McDonald’s for breakfast on the way to work, pizza delivered multiple times per week, or a trip to Cold Stone or Dairy Queen because dessert is life.

We both decided to get serious with our fitness and diet (by counting macros) during the summer of 2015 when we began competitive powerlifting. Our powerlifting coach also programmed our macros (macronutrients = protein, carbs and fats) and as long as our food fit within those macros (IIFYM), it was fair game. Ingredients didn’t matter, quality didn’t matter. We ate lots of baked chicken, rice and broccoli. We were super strict and obsessive with “hitting our numbers”. We squeezed in ice cream and processed foods when they “fit our macros”. We got stronger. We lost lots of weight. It worked.

Still, even though we were looking healthier on the outside, we weren’t getting healthier on the inside. We ate fast food, sugar, and everything else in between, just in amounts that allowed us to drop fat. But our metabolic health was struggling. We both had digestive issues (more on that in a minute), and our bodies didn’t handle stress or training well. We looked good, but didn’t feel good.

Let’s fast forward to the beginning of 2020, two months after we started CrossFit. Our gym did a “5 Ingredient or Less” challenge to kick off the new year, and we decided to jump in. For the first time (perhaps ever), we were looking at ingredients of the food we ate! Karly’s digestive issues cleared up almost immediately, and Tom was starting to feel less rundown and more energetic. We were onto something.

Then, in February, Karly was diagnosed with Celiac disease - an autoimmune disease in which the body does not tolerate gluten and attacks itself if ingested (the small intestine is damaged severely and inflammation is caused throughout the body). We were shocked and thought it was the end of the world as we knew it. Boy were we wrong.

What did we do? Carried on. Kept eating food without really looking at ingredients (beyond gluten), kept eating fast food (as long as it was gluten free), and kept neglecting what our bodies were craving - truly nutritious food. Nagging injuries continued, inflammation remained out of control, and stress was still not managed well. Our sleep suffered, our metabolic health wasn’t great, and our bloodwork was showing warning signs. Like everyone else in the world, we just kept doing what we were doing, assuming we’d get medical care when we needed it. What else was there to do?

Our Backstory - Now

The last 2 years (nearly) of owning CrossFit 605 has been an incredible journey - not just with our fitness and building our dream of owning a gym so we could help others become the best versions of themselves, but also by becoming the best version of OURSELVES. We started learning more about movement and fitness, but also nutrition and fueling properly.

We now prioritize food that doesn’t have labels (whole foods), and read every single ingredient label for things we buy that do have labels. We scrutinize every ingredient we put into our bodies, and make the best decisions we can, for us and our bodies, every single day.

Our blood work has never been better, we recover better than we ever have, and we’re getting faster, stronger, and fitter every day in the gym. We don’t get sick as often, and when we do, we get over it quicker. We have truly taken back control of our health, just by being informed eaters and being very picky with what we eat.

What we do and how we eat isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. However, we want to help you understand what it means to eat well, and how to do it, so that you can be informed about what you put into your body and how you can make yourself feel your best.

We know eating well in the society we live in is HARD, and we want to help. If you have questions about how to eat healthier for you and your family, we are here to answer them.