What does a CrossFit class look like?

The Best Hour of Your Day

A CrossFit class is a one-hour group session led by a coach. While every gym has its setup and each class consists of different movements, our typical class looks like this:

  • Whiteboard Brief & Class Introduction — To start, you will gather in front of a whiteboard where your coach will walk you through the workout, the movements, and ideas for scaling.

  • Coach Led Warm-up — Your coach will take the class through a warm-up to prepare you for the rest of class.

  • Skill practice — After the warm-up, your coach leads the class through a skill practice, typically related to the movements in that day’s workout.

  • Workout — Once everyone’s ready, your coach will start the clock and the entire class will do the workout together.

  • Cool down —  High Fives, sharing scores, and recovering/stretching to transition you back into your day

Do I have to be fit to start CrossFit?

No, not at all! You don’t become fit to join CrossFit, you join CrossFit to become fit! While some movements might seem hard or intimidating at first, we’ll coach you through it.

CrossFit is designed to be constantly varied, meaning every day is different so you never get bored. All workouts are based on the core movements of life, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, rowing, and more.